

Genre: Documentary

Country: The Netherlands

Year: 2021.

Duration: 75′.

Language: Dutch, VOSE.


Address: Shamira Raphaëla

Script: Shamira Raphaëla

Photo: Jurgen Lisse (C)

Editing: David Verdume

Music: Nucgake Varenkamp

Main actors:Eletricer Kache Hamisi, Bosco Baraka Karisa, Bibi Swaleh, Nahima Khanda

Production company: Willem Baptist, Nienke Korthof


Young Shabu lives with his family from Surinam in De Peperklip, a famous suburb of Rotterdam with a vibrant energy. Shabu has an infectious charisma. He sings, dances and plays the drums. His grandmother gets angry with him because he takes her car without warning and, at the age of 14, he is forced to pay for his misbehaviour by working during the summer. The director portrays Shabu’s microcosm with a fresh and cheerful look, far from the stigmas associated with the peripheries of big cities.