Gateway to Dreams

Nene Fembe

Genre: Documentary

Country: Cameroon

Year: 2024.

Duration: 39’.

Language: English.


Direction: Nene Fembe

Script: Nene Fembe and Jean Marie Teno

Photography: Nene Fembe (C)

Editing: Eken Jordan

Music: Ruben Binam

Sound: Wasse Marlvine

Voice: Eleanor Besong

Performers: Paris Lifoko Njie, Pst Etta Charles Ntui, Nkongho Ndipembi Mbeng, Erin Sharise Isanga.

Production: Jean Marie Teno – Bandjoun Film Studio


Gateway to Dreams is a documentary that explores the lives of individuals in Cameroon’s southwest plantation communities. This region, known for its fertile land, has a complex history of colonial exploitation and ongoing socio-political challenges. The film highlights the resilience and hope of the community, from colonial times to the current Anglophone crisis. It delves into the daily struggles and aspirations of plantation workers, emphasizing themes of exploitation, the pursuit of dreams, resilience, and hope. The film is a personal journey of the director, a daughter of a retired Pamol worker, who returns home after 20 years of absence to confront her childhood dreams with the disastrous reality of the seven years ongoing war called the Anglophone crisis.