Stolen Fish

Gosia Juszczak  

04.10 – 9:00

Spain, 2020
Documentary, 30
English, Mandinka, Wolof, VOSE

Director: Gosia Juszczak  

Screenplay: Gosia Juszczak 

Cinematography: Filip Drożdż 

Editing: Adriana F. Castellanos 

Sound recording: Igor Kłaczyński 

Sound post-production: Dariusz Wancerz 

Music: ST Gambian Dream 

Researcher: Emilia Pluskota 

Featuring: Abou Sene, Mariama Jatta, Paul John Kamony 

Produced by: Gosia Juszczak 

Executive produced by: Minoriy Rights Group International 

Co-produced by: Compassion in World Farming International, Rosa Luxemburg Siftung Oficina de Enlace Madrid 


In Gambia, the smallest country of mainland Africa, fish is now being powdered up by Chinese corporations and exported to Europe and China to feed animals in industrial farming.

As a result, Gambians are being deprived of their primary source of protein, overfishing is depleting marine ecosystems.

The film follows Abou, Mariama and Paul, three Gambians who share intimate stories of daily struggle, anger, hope and longing for their loved ones.